Fiscal Recovery Plan Information (Click for Details)
On November 19th, Superintendent Aguilar and Chief Business Officer Ramos proposed a Fiscal Recovery Plan to the Sac City Board to address our district’s structural deficit. Parents, please take some time to view the Fiscal Recovery Plan and/or the November 19th Board Meeting beginning at about the 90-minute mark. This proposed plan has far-reaching impact on students across our district and on our program at New Tech, including funding reductions that could directly impact our student’s right to a specialized program that continues to offer required courses for A-G eligibility. With the cuts being proposed, we could lose funding for our New Tech Network Membership which includes the use of Echo and all of the valuable resources and trainings that are offered to our staff in order to implement a successful PBL Program. I recognize and appreciate that there are many differing perspectives and opinions about our district’s precarious financial situation and that there is much conflicting information available, so much so that it sometimes feels easier to ignore it altogether. If we wish to advocate for reducing our district’s deficit AND preventing cuts that impact our program and students, it’s time to get informed and take action.
This week’s SCUSD Board Meeting on Thursday evening will teach us a lot about how the Board intends to proceed with the Fiscal Recovery Plan. You can watch Thursday’s Board Meeting live on the district website. Note that the FRP agenda item is not slated to begin until about 8:30pm, however just prior at 7:45, there will be a presentation of the district’s first interim budget report and an update from the Financial Crisis Management Team that you may find of interest as well. I’ve linked the live board meeting information, agenda and agenda packet, which contains impact statements from every impacted site and program, on our website. The impact statement that is specific to New Tech and Carver (two dependent charter schools within SCUSD) can be found on page 382 of the Board Agenda.
Our students deserve the right to select a high school program that best fits their needs. The fiscal recovery plan could take that right away as you will see through reading all of the impact statements, several small school programs will not be able to continue to sustain and.or provide the unique programs they currently offer.
December 10th Board Agenda:
December 10th Live Board Meeting Link:
Public Comment Instructions:
NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT AND DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Public comment may be (1) emailed to; (2) submitted in writing, identifying the matter number and the name of the public member at the URL or (3) using the same URL, submitting a request for oral comment only when the matter is called, instead of written comment. Regardless of the method by which public comment is submitted, the submission deadline for closed and open session items shall be no later than noon, December 10. Individual written public comment shall be no more than two minutes in length on each agenda or non-agenda item. The Board shall limit the total time for public comment on each agenda or non-agenda item, including communications and organizational reports, to 15 minutes in length. With Board consent, the President may increase or decrease the length of time allowed for public comment, depending on the topic and the number of written public comments.