Hour of Code Information
Tuesday, December 5th
Every year, Sac New Tech participates in The Hour of Code. But, since we are known for our Computer Science and Technology Programs, our students get to engage in fun activities for half of their school day!
This year, we have partnered with the Sacramento Developer Collective to bring interactive workshops to our students. These workshops will include Graphic Art using Blender and Maya, Game Design using Unity, and AI. Students will also be able to interact and or complete fun coding activities on https://hourofcode.com/us/learn. You can actually go to the website and try some of those activities NOW! Go check it out!
Please see below for more information about Hour of Code!
The Hour of Code is a free introduction to computer science through fun activities and videos for learners of all skill levels. This year’s celebration of both coding and AI is supported by over 400 partners, 20,000 educators, and 58,000 volunteers. (Hourofcode.com)
Here is a Description of this years Workshops!
Keynote Address:
Kyle Wynn, SNTHS Alumni Class of 2013, Producer at Epic Games for Fortnite
Short Bio:
Kyle Wynn is a member of the Sac New Tech class of 2013 and now works at Epic Games as a Producer on Fortnite. His time at SNTHS taught him the importance of collaboration as well as fostered creativity that helped drive him to pursue a career in game development.
Workshop A: An Introduction to Game Design with Unity
- Facilitator: Nathan Allshouse, Sacramento Developers Collective
- Description: Want to learn Game Development in Unity? In this brief introduction, students will create objects in Unity that react with physics as well as use the Unity terrain generator to create a custom landscape and use an example character to explore your custom world.
Workshop B: An Introduction to Graphic Art with Maya
- Facilitator: Andrew Davis, Sacramento Developers Collective
- Description: Do you enjoy Digitally Animated movies,and Video games? Do you know what they both have in common? Animators. During this workshop you will be given the opportunity to try your hand at animating a character. In this Workshop you will be able to bring a character to life.
Workshop C: Minecraft Generation AI
- Facilitator: Jerry Huang, Sacramento New Technology Teacher
- Description: Venture through time to create helpful AI-powered inventions in the new Minecraft Hour of Code: Generation AI. Use problem solving, creativity, and computational thinking along with the principles of responsible AI. With coding in MakeCode Blocks or Python, Minecraft Hour of Code invites anyone to learn the basics of coding and how to build better AI for all.
Workshop D: Hour of Code with Code.Org
- Facilitators: Adam Meek, Wendy Toffoletti, Kim Seyford, SNTHS Staff
- Description: Hour of Code Room Theme: Creativity with AIThis year, we’re taking Hour of Code to new heights by offering coding opportunities that encompass both artificial intelligence (AI) and non-AI components