Advisory is the heart of our school culture. Its purpose is to provide small-support groups to help meet the needs of all of our students. Students are placed in grade level advisory classes. Each advisory is led by one of our credentialed teachers on staff. In advisory, students participate in a variety of learning activities that center around these key pillars of support:
- Develop Strategies for Academic Success
- Project-Based Learning
- 5 Learning Outcomes
- Transcript Literacy
- Rubric Literacy
- Grade Checks
- Personality Assessments / Learning Styles
- Path to Graduation: Track academic progress/catch kids before they fall or get too far behind
- Peer support ‘Critical Friends’ (For example DOL)
- Develop Social-Emotional Skills
- District-approved curriculum
- Restorative / Community Circles
- Creating a safe environment where a student always has a adult to listen
- Advocacy for self and others
- Frank discussions on challenging life issues (Stanford Harmony Conversation Cards for example)
- Prepare for Post-High School Success
- College Exploration
- Career Exploration
- Plan, Prepare, and Participate in Student Activities
- Advisory Olympics
- Team-Building and Collaboration
- Class Fundraisers
- Culture building
- Practice student voice