The Courses

AVID for 9th Graders

New this year, we are adding AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) class for 9th graders. This class is designed to equip students with the skills and strategies necessary for academic success and college readiness. This elective course focuses on fostering a college-going culture and developing the habits and mindset needed for lifelong learning and achievement. This class will widely complement our Early College Program which also begins in the 9th grade.

Course Highlights:

Study Skills and Organization: Students learn effective study techniques, time management strategies, and organizational skills to help them excel in all their classes.

  • Critical Thinking and Inquiry: Through Socratic seminars, collaborative group work, and problem-solving activities, students develop their critical thinking and inquiry skills.
  • Writing and Literacy: The course emphasizes writing across the curriculum, helping students improve their writing proficiency and literacy skills through various writing assignments and projects.
  • College and Career Readiness: Students explore different college and career options, learn about the college application process, and understand the requirements for college admission. They also participate in college visits and hear from guest speakers.
  • Tutorial Support: AVID provides structured tutorial sessions where students receive additional support in their core academic subjects from trained tutors and peers.
  • Goal Setting and Self-Advocacy: Students set academic and personal goals, monitor their progress, and learn to advocate for themselves in their educational journey.

Benefits of the AVID Class:

  • Enhanced Academic Performance: By developing strong study habits and organizational skills, students improve their performance across all subjects.
  • Increased College Awareness: Early exposure to college requirements and campus life encourages students to set their sights on higher education.
  • Stronger Writing and Communication Skills: Emphasis on writing and collaborative learning enhances students’ ability to communicate effectively.
  • Personal Growth: Goal setting and self-reflection activities promote personal growth and self-awareness, helping students become more responsible and proactive learners.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: AVID creates a supportive community where students encourage each other to succeed and build meaningful relationships with their peers and teachers.

In this class, students embark on their first college course while still in high school, setting the stage for their future academic and career achievements. This essential course guides students in creating a comprehensive 10-year plan, encompassing their high school journey through post-secondary education and career goals. All 9th graders at Sacramento New Technology Early College High School will be dually enrolled in HCD 116 at Sacramento City College. Successful completion of this course not only equips students with valuable planning and goal-setting skills but also rewards them with 10 high school elective credits and 1 college unit.

Benefits of this Course:

  • By participating in HCD 116, students take a significant step toward their future success, gaining early college experience and laying a solid foundation for their academic and professional endeavors.
iWorld - Integrated English 9, Geography, and Ethnic Studies

We offer an innovative course that seamlessly integrates English 9, Geography, and Ethnic Studies. This interdisciplinary class provides a holistic approach to learning, allowing students to explore literature, cultural geography, and the diverse histories and experiences of various ethnic groups in a unified curriculum.

Course Highlights:

  • Literature and Composition:  Students enhance their reading, writing, and analytical skills through diverse literary works that reflect various cultural perspectives and historical contexts.
  • Geographical Understanding: By studying physical and human geography, students gain insights into how geography shapes cultures, societies, and historical events.
  • Ethnic Studies: This component focuses on the histories, contributions, and experiences of different ethnic groups, fostering a deeper understanding of cultural diversity and social justice.

This integrated course prepares students not only for academic success but also for becoming informed, empathetic, and active citizens in a diverse world.

Benefits of this Integrated Course:

  • Enhanced Critical Thinking: By connecting themes across disciplines, students develop stronger critical thinking and analytical skills.
  • Cultural Competence: The course promotes an appreciation for diversity and equips students with the knowledge to engage in meaningful discussions about ethnicity and cultural identity.
  • Comprehensive Skill Development: Students improve their literacy, research, and geographical skills in a cohesive learning environment.
  • Real-World Connections: The integrated curriculum helps students draw connections between literature, geography, and societal issues, making their learning more relevant and applicable to real-world scenarios.
  • Collaborative Learning: Students engage in collaborative projects that encourage teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.
Fit Math – Integrated Physical Education and Math I

This unique 9th grade course combines Physical Education (PE) with Math I. This integrated class blends physical fitness activities with mathematical concepts, providing a dynamic and engaging learning experience.

Course Highlights:

  • Physical Education Activities: Students participate in a variety of physical activities and sports that promote fitness, teamwork, and healthy lifestyles.
  • Mathematical Applications: Math I concepts are incorporated into PE activities, such as calculating distances, measuring heart rates, analyzing statistics, and understanding geometric shapes in movement.
  • Project-Based Learning: Students work on projects that require the application of math skills to real-world physical education scenarios, like designing exercise routines based on mathematical principles or analyzing sports performance data.
  • Benefits of this Integrated Course:
  • Enhanced Engagement: By combining physical activity with math, students stay engaged and see the practical applications of mathematical concepts in everyday life.
  • Improved Fitness and Health: Regular physical activity promotes overall health and well-being, helping students maintain a balanced lifestyle.
  • Applied Learning: Students apply math skills in real-world contexts, reinforcing their understanding and retention of mathematical concepts.
  • Interdisciplinary Skills: The course fosters the development of both physical and cognitive skills, encouraging holistic growth.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Physical activities and math projects often require teamwork, enhancing students’ communication and collaborative problem-solving abilities.
  • Motivation and Confidence: Seeing the relevance of math in physical activities can boost students’ confidence and motivation to succeed in both subjects.

This integrated approach not only enhances students’ physical fitness but also ensures they cover all essential Math I topics, deepening their understanding of math and preparing them for future academic challenges.

CS Pathway Intro Course – CS Zero: Introduction to Robotics and Programming

We are excited to extend our Computer Science Pathway by offering CS Zero, an introductory Computer Science course designed for all 9th graders as the first step in our Computer Science Pathway. This course combines the fundamentals of robotics with the basics of programming, providing a comprehensive introduction to the world of computer science.

Course Highlights:

  • Robotics Basics: Students will learn about the essential components of robots, including sensors, motors, and control systems. They will engage in hands-on activities to build and program simple robots, gaining practical experience in how these machines operate.
  • Programming Fundamentals: The course covers basic programming concepts such as variables, loops, conditionals, and functions. Students will use block-based programming languages (like Scratch or Blockly) and gradually progress to text-based languages (such as Python) as they become more confident.
  • Integrated Projects: Throughout the course, students will work on projects that combine their knowledge of robotics and programming. They will design, build, and program robots to complete specific tasks, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Collaborative Learning: Students will work in teams to tackle challenges and complete projects, promoting teamwork, communication, and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Real-World Applications: The course emphasizes the practical applications of robotics and programming in various fields, helping students understand the relevance and potential of computer science in everyday life and future careers.

Benefits of the CS Zero Course:

  • Foundational Skills: Students gain a solid foundation in both robotics and programming, preparing them for more advanced courses in the Computer Science Pathway.
  • Engagement and Interest: By combining hands-on robotics with programming, the course captures students’ interest and sparks their curiosity about the field of computer science.
  • Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: The integrated projects and challenges help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, essential for success in any discipline.
  • Preparation for the Future: Early exposure to computer science concepts and skills prepares students for future academic and career opportunities in technology and engineering fields.
  • Confidence and Competence: Completing projects and overcoming challenges builds students’ confidence in their abilities and fosters a sense of accomplishment and competence.